云陽森林公園:位于茶陵縣城西2.5公里的米水河畔,以湘東名山——云陽山為主體,園內(nèi)峰巒迭翠、奇巖幽洞、飛瀑流泉,集秀、幽、險(xiǎn)、奇之美于一身。相傳為南岳圣帝的避暑山莊,歷代佛道之士視為神仙福地,故有“古南岳”、“亞衡山”之稱。 Yunyang Forest Park By the Mishui River, some 2.5 km west of Chaling County seat is Yunyang Forest Park with the Yunyang Mountain, a well-known one in East Hunan, as the center. The park boasts fantastic peaks, verdant hills, deep caves, flying waterfalls and flowing fountains. Legend has it that this park has been the summer resort for the Emperor of the Nanyue Mountain and a holy place for both Buddhists and Taoists. Hence it has been entitled "The Ancient Nanyue Mountain" and " The Second Hengshan Mountain". 老君巖位于峰北側(cè),高約10米,巨巖危立,中有一石窟。傳說太上老君在此肉身成仙,游客十分好奇,常以針刺其肌膚,判斷是否“肉身”,老君不耐其苦,遂關(guān)閉石門,唯留一隙。從此,人們只能入外窟。